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Pack Light

When we view life from the journey perspective, everyday we are traveling somewhere. Where we are going is sometimes TBD, while some of us know exactly where we are going, and what time we plan to arrive there. Could you imagine walking through the airport with your travel bag and 2 carry on bags? Now imagine, the bag that you would normally check in, you have to cart with you through the airport (yes you'll save money for luggage fees) yet you'll pay for it by lugging 3 bags through the airport.

clothes and shoes

Back to the scenario, your at the airport with your 2 carry on bags and 1 big bag... you make it to the gate where your flight is supposed to board, just to find out the gate has been changed 🤦🏽‍♀️. Your new gate is on the other end of the airport, your flight boards in 30 minutes; depending on how in shape you are, you'll hike it to your new gate with minimal issues. You may be a little winded when you get to your gate, but you'll get there in time. Whether you're in shape, out of shape, or don't quite know what shape you're in, after traveling with 2 small bags, and one large bag after the first yard or so, the bags start to weigh you down.

Life is a Journey, and you can't carry everything with you. Only the usable baggage." -Ha Jin

Growing up I loved listening to Erykah Badu. In February of 2020 my stepmother came to visit, we were headed for the airport so she could go back home; coincidentally, the song 'Bag Lady' came on. My stepmother was in the backseat wrestling with her luggage trying to make everything fit, at one point she became winded and had to roll the window down. This happens to us as we are journeying through this life, we find something we like, or think someone else will like and we pick it up. We have pleasant encounters and some not so pleasant encounters, each one has been added to the journey, and packed into our bag of memories.

Bag lady, you gone hurt yo can't hurry up, cause you've got too much stuff” -Erykah Badu

Baggage is not just physical, I believe it starts in our minds/emotions then sometimes actualizes in physical form. Have you been told that you tend to be late, or are you always 'running late'? Think back to what you were doing as you prepared to leave, was the cause of the delay internal (you moving slow) or external (something outside of you slowing you down). This has happened to me more times than I care to count; I finally decided to free myself of what was slowing me down, getting out of my head and just being. Taking each day as it comes with an attitude of gratitude 😄🙌🏽. Living with purpose and on purpose; so carry the things that matter most #SelfLove #Forgiveness #Compassion.

Your now ready to Fly

I pray that this post spoke to you, just as it did for me while writing it. Let's #TakeFlight now that we are #PackingLight; the places we will go, the people we will meet as we Journey through this life.



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A full time High School social studies teacher, committed to being of service to those in need. I hold a Masters Degree in Counseling.

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